Pushkar Organic

food - Pushkar Organic

Pushkar Organic


We want guests to experience the excitement
and immediacy of food served straight from the earth.
The very best tasting food is locally grown
using a pared back style of cooking.​

Again, our goal is to connect guests with nature to improve well-being. For centuries nature served as humans’ natural habitat, providing shelter, food, and remedies. Food and cooking are the easiest way for us to show our guests the benefits of connecting with nature. We are very different from most hotels. This is how we do food​


Grown at our farm or nearby farms. this connects you with nature through the earth (fertile soil) and the animals. (For example, a beautiful desi cow giving fresh milk which becomes creamy yogurt (minimal cooking, only heat and add starter) that tastes so good and is the best probiotic for your gut.)


Cooked and eaten right away. This is why timings are important. Ideally one is involved in the cooking process and even to just watch food being cooked is fun and educational. Some guests like to be more involved in the cooking process and many take classes.


The cooking is simple and heartfelt, using classic cooking methods. with a pared back style of cooking, believe in minimal processing, fewer ingredients, and let fresh produce speak for itself. we often cook on wood fires.


We are about a perfect few dishes vs endless buffets (clear example of mindless consumption). the menu is determined by what's growing on the farm and we focus on the very best produce available on the day.

Eat outside, or almost outside. Even the inside dining room with interiors of marble, and real wood, with large 360 deg windows, is connected to the surrounding landscape in every way.

Rates and timings


7-10 AM
RS 1000 Per Person


12-2 PM
RS 1000 Per Person


6-8 PM
RS 1000 Per Person

All orders in advance

3-5PM tea service in pool area

No food in rooms